24hour plumbing services


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We service all plumbing leaks and clogs and we are available 24/7!

Locally Owned & Operated Plumbing Service in San Diego

Our trained & certified plumbers in San Diego are specialized in delivering commercial and residential plumbing services and can tackle any plumbing problem in your home or office.

24-Hour Plumbing SOS Services

Reliable plumbers with more than a Decade-long experience are specialized in solving emergencies Promptly and efficiently

Commercial Plumbing

Our seasoned plumbers can fix a wide range of plumbing issues such as leaking, burst pipes in your kitchen and bathroom, toilet repairs.

Residential plumbing

We provide extensive services to clients from different areas of expertise. Our professional approach brings unique solutions that fit our client's needs.

Services We Offers

We have the wherewithal to handle a number of plumbing situations in any of these loca-tions. Don’t hesitate to enlist our services! From start to finish, you can count on Plumberx Plumbing for superior assistance, maintenance, repairs, and more.
We have the wherewithal to handle a number of plumbing situations in any of these loca-tions. Don’t hesitate to enlist our services! From start to finish, you can count on Plumberx Plumbing for superior assistance, maintenance, repairs, and more.
We have the wherewithal to handle a number of plumbing situations in any of these loca-tions. Don’t hesitate to enlist our services! From start to finish, you can count on Plumberx Plumbing for superior assistance, maintenance, repairs, and more.
We have the wherewithal to handle a number of plumbing situations in any of these loca-tions. Don’t hesitate to enlist our services! From start to finish, you can count on Plumberx Plumbing for superior assistance, maintenance, repairs, and more.
We have the wherewithal to handle a number of plumbing situations in any of these loca-tions. Don’t hesitate to enlist our services! From start to finish, you can count on Plumberx Plumbing for superior assistance, maintenance, repairs, and more.
We have the wherewithal to handle a number of plumbing situations in any of these loca-tions. Don’t hesitate to enlist our services! From start to finish, you can count on Plumberx Plumbing for superior assistance, maintenance, repairs, and more.

Meet Our Specialists

Tim Cock

Plumbing Machanic

Rock Lelu

Plumbing Machanic

Michale Rock

Plumbing Machanic

Rock Lelu

Plumbing Machanic

Our trained & certified plumbers in San Diego are specialized in delivering commercial and residential plumbing services and can tackle any plumbing problem in your home or office.
 24-Hour Plumbing SOS professionals can handle any plumbing issue you have:
  • Diagnosis and Check-ups
  • Installations and Upgrades
  • System Maintenance and Cleaning
  • Emergency Plumbing Repairs  

What our customers says

Thousands of people get benefit

Emergency Leaks & Pipe Bursts

If you have an emergency plumbing need, simply call our 24 hour emergecny plumbing

1(619) 319-2848

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Frequently Asked Questions

When should I contact an emergency plumbing service in San Diego?

Call an emergency plumbing service if you notice: a water leak (especially an extensive leakage), low water pressure or no water at all, damaged or burst pipes, water heater failure, overflowing toilet, or gas leak.

What plumbing services do you offer?

We offer a full range of commercial and residential plumbing services that include: 24-hour emergency plumbing, water leak detection, slab leak, and ceiling leak detection and repair, kitchen and bathroom plumbing, toilet repairs, faucet leaks, water heater services, sewer and drain services as drain repairs and replacement.

Why should I hire a professional plumber?

No matter how small your plumbing problem may seem, ultimately it can lead to larger problems that could cost you more money, time, and nerves. We suggest calling a professional plumbing service that is specialized and fully equipped to solve any plumbing issue quickly and efficiently any time you notice something’s not right or if you just want to do a regular check or/and maintenance.

What is the response time for a plumbing emergency?

We pride ourselves on having a very short response time to our customer’s calls. It usually doesn’t take more than two hours for our team to arrive at the spot.

What are the most common plumbing problems?

In our experience, the most common plumbing problems are the ones that require an urgent plumbing intervention: major pipe leaks, a broken or damaged pipe, and a broken basement pump. Other not so urgent, but still common problems include water heater failures, clogged sinks and toilets, and leaking faucets..

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